Closest book meme
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog along with these instructions.
5. Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
"It may be that part of knowing a language is knowing not only what words mean, but what their typical collocations are. Thus, part of your knowledge of fresh is as it occurs in the phrase fresh air, or knife as in knife and fork or enough as in enough already. Okay, that's enough already!"
I'm not even making this stuff up, kurslitteratur fran b-kursen. Avsnittet semantics i "The Study of Language" av George Yule.
Annars ar hans dork-citat extremt uppskattat.
Postat av: duvetvem
jag visste det, jag ÄR en inspirationskälla...
Postat av: bobik
Postat av: Testeradq
Hellopep - this is just a testing, don't worry about it
Postat av: Testerapw
Helloogu - this is just a testing, don't worry about it
Postat av: Testerbqy
Helloasf - this is just a testing, don't worry about it
Postat av: Testerqyi
Hellomrw - this is just a testing, don't worry about it
Postat av: Henrikamal
Awesome site!